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Geotechnical Engineering For Architecture Clients

Our Engineers can provide the cost-effective report you need

We've established great relationships with communities throughout the Midwest and know their requirements

Our geotechnical department has a comprehensive knowledge of the geology of our region, as well as the processes and standards that its municipalities require

Elements of Planning
    • Approval from current Land Owner for access
    • How will the exploration impact the existing conditions?
    • What is planned to be constructed?
    • Site plan and project layout
    • Column, wall and floor loads
    • Proposed structure frame and siding materials
    • Building Finish Floor elevations
    • Proposed site grade changes
    • Any building critical elements
    • Are any retaining walls planned?
    • Site development history
First Point

Second Point

Field Equipment / Capabilities
  • Fleet of 6 drill rigs, including 3 all-terrain drill rigs
  • Solid Auger / Rotary Wash / Hollow Stem / NQ-3 Drilling
  • 200+ foot capability
  • Field resistivity
  • Pressuremeter
  • Inclinometer Instrumentation
  • Dynamic cone penetrometer
  • Benkelman beam pavement deflectometer

The field activities are a coordinated effort between owner, designer and geotechnical staff.

The geotechnical field investigation and subsurface exploration requires in-depth knowledge of appropriate sampling techniques and the various required in-situ testing for conditions that will be encountered.


Soil Testing Available
  • Standard parameter determination
  • Direct shear
  • Consolidation
  • Hydrometer / Sieve
  • Specific gravity
  • Swell / Shrinkage
  • UU / CU / CD triaxial
  • Permeability
Third Point

Geotechnical laboratory analysis develops the soil parameters needed to perform the technical analysis of conditions encountered. Our extensive array of equipment and our computer-controlled data processing system allow us to handle large projects in a timely manner. Kaw Valley Engineering is a USACE and AASHTO R-18 qualified laboratory with an extensive knowledge of ASTM and AASHTO specifications and test procedures.