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Geotechnical engineering
is an important element of every project and provides the competent foundation to start your vision

Geotechnical engineering services throughout the Midwest

Our staff combines decades of technical knowledge with a deep understanding of regional field geologic conditions. Our team includes Professional Engineers and Professional Geologists licensed in multiple states with extensive geotechnical engineering experience.

Elements of Planning
    • Approval from current Land Owner for access
    • How will the exploration impact the existing conditions?
    • What is planned to be constructed?
    • Site plan and project layout
    • Column, wall and floor loads
    • Proposed structure frame and siding materials
    • Building Finish Floor elevations
    • Proposed site grade changes
    • Any building critical elements
    • Are any retaining walls planned?
    • Site development history

The foundations for a successful project initiate with the planning stage.

Effective geotechnical firms initially learn the structural dynamics of the proposed construction coupled with the anticipated general site geology to develop an optimized field exploration plan. Kaw Valley Engineering’s geotechnical department has had the privilege of working on thousands of projects in our area, which has allowed us to build a thorough understanding of regional conditions.

While it is typical that some of the desired information may not be available at the beginning of projects, any available pertinent information should be provided to the Geotechnical Engineer to support a successful geotechnical investigation. Missing information may result in a need to perform additional site evaluations or engineering analysis resulting in project delays or extra costs. The geotechnical evaluation scope and field activities are typically more successful when it’s a coordinated effort between owner, design team and geotechnical firm. It is beneficial for the success of an investigation for all of these parties to discuss important project details with the Geotechnical Engineer prior to drilling operations. The geotechnical field investigation and subsurface exploration requires in-depth knowledge of appropriate sampling techniques and the various required in-situ testing for conditions that will be encountered. The combination of proper planning with the team and appropriate field sampling allows for the analysis and development of the most suitable and economical recommendations for project development. The importance of pre-planning with the design team prior to the geotechnical investigation cannot be overemphasized to have a successful project.

Field Exploration

Field Equipment / Capabilities
  • Fleet of 6 drill rigs, including 3 all-terrain drill rigs
  • Solid Auger / Rotary Wash / Hollow Stem / NQ-3 Drilling
  • 200+ foot capability
  • Field resistivity
  • Pressuremeter
  • Inclinometer Instrumentation
  • Dynamic cone penetrometer
  • Benkelman beam pavement deflectometer

The field activities are a coordinated effort between owner, designer and geotechnical staff.

The geotechnical field investigation and subsurface exploration requires in-depth knowledge of appropriate sampling techniques and the various required in-situ testing for conditions that will be encountered.


Soil Testing Available
  • Standard parameter determination
  • Direct shear
  • Consolidation
  • Hydrometer / Sieve
  • Specific gravity
  • Swell / Shrinkage
  • UU / CU / CD triaxial
  • Permeability

Laboratory Analysis

Precision and accuracy are critical to determining the physical parameters of site specific soil samples.


Geotechnical laboratory analysis develops the soil parameters needed to perform the technical analysis of conditions encountered. Our extensive array of equipment and our computer-controlled data processing system allow us to handle large projects in a timely manner. Kaw Valley Engineering maintains a USACE and AASHTO accredited laboratory in Lenexa with an extensive knowledge of ASTM and AASHTO specifications and test procedures.


Analysis with

Analysis Performed
  • Shallow foundations
  • Deep foundations
  • Slab-on-grade
  • Fill placement
  • Pavement
  • Slope stability
  • Seismic condition review

We develop recommendations that allow your project to be founded cost-effectively.

The combination of proper planning, appropriate field sampling and effective laboratory testing allows for the analysis and development of the most suitable and economical recommendations for your project. The importance of preparation of the geotechnical report cannot be over emphasized in the early stages of your project being successful.


Design/Construction Assistance
  • Attend design meeting
  • Provide design review
  • Attend preconstruction meeting
  • Available to provide guidance for unanticipated conditions
  • Answer field questions


The art and science of geotechnical engineering continues through the duration of a project.

Kaw Valley Engineering’s geotechnical services do not end with the issuance of the report. We follow up with the client, architect or structural engineer to verify the recommendations are understood. We maintain availability throughout the design and construction process to provide consultation as needed.