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Civil Engineering Firm in Kansas

Salina is getting its third roundabout ever

Infrastructure recently completed on the Magnolia Hills Estates Addition No. 2 subdivision in Salina, which includes the third roundabout ever built in the city. Engineers and drafters in our Salina office got to be a part of this historic addition.

Kaw Valley Engineering provided platting and design for the subdivision, which included plans for a roundabout. Justin Owens, PE, Salina Office Director, said this is the first roundabout built in Salina in over 15 years.

Roundabouts are generally used in subdivisions and residential areas as a method of traffic calming. According to the Kansas Department of Transportation, collisions are decreased by 50-90% when an intersection is converted to a roundabout. This is because vehicles move slower, and conflict points—where a crash could occur—decrease in a roundabout. Roundabouts are also safer for pedestrians.

Roundabouts are a fairly new concept and haven’t been used as much in rural areas, Justin said. In this project, however, the roundabout was used because there were concerns during the platting process that the street would have a high volume of traffic.

Justin likes roundabouts. He believes they are a good solution once you need more than a stop sign at an intersection to calm heavy traffic.

“From a design standpoint, it’s just a more effective way to move traffic,” he said.

A topographic survey, preliminary platting and final platting were completed for the 29 residential lots in the Magnolia Hills Estates subdivision. Design was also created for the streets, water, sewer, storm sewer and detention pond. Deliverables for the client included the final plat, construction plans, drainage report, cost estimate and project manual.

We are glad that our engineers and drafters got to provide their expertise for the new subdivision.