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Civil Engineering Internships in Kansas

Summer Intern Returns From Italy

Aaron Moore, one of our summer interns in our Junction City office, recently returned from a four week trip to the beautiful country of Italy! Aaron received a scholarship from Kansas State University and completed courses in Material Science during his stay.
Aaron said while he was there, they attended classes in Orvieto but they also got to visit Rome, Florence, and Pisa. His group got to tour a lot of Italian landmarks and learned about the engineering practices that were used to build them. Notable locations that he got to see while abroad were the Coliseum, the Leaning Tower of Pisa, Pantheon, and the Vatican.
Something interesting that Aaron discovered was related to the town they lived in, Orvieto. The town sits on a plateau created by a volcano thousands of years ago. The locals dug underground tunnels through the volcanic rock to store wine. That same volcanic rock that was moved from underground for the tunnels was then mixed with lime and calcium to form the cement that they used to build their structures above ground.
Aaron said his favorite thing about Italy was “being able to eat some of the best tasting meals ever!”